Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches


The Bike Ride
The schedule
The Journey

Sir John Whitmore
With Nick Williams
The Recession
Purpose and meaning
Coaching with a scalpel

Myles Downey
Future of coaching
Why are you a coach?
Incompetent coaches

Meredith Belbin
Do managers manage?

Gerard O'Donovan
The future of coaching
Coaching styles

Nancy Kline
The future of coaching

Nick Williams
The renaissance soul

Michael Carroll
The importance of supervision

Geoff Burch
The Business guru

 Paul McGee
SUMO principles

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Coaches and money
What has coaching got to do with money?  For many coaches money can be an uncomfortable subject.  Julian Summerhayes takes a look
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Who wrote this?
There are times we need to be still and let inspiration wash over us.  I'm in the middle of an office clear-up and I came across this.  It's in my handwriting, but I'm not sure where I got it from.  I wanted to share it as it's very inspirational
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Developing leadership in a school

Strong leadership is at the heart of a healthy school and this doesn't just mean having a strong head teacher.  Following the latest annual report from HM Chief Inspector of Education, Liz Scott explores how to develop leaders at every level.  

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Coaching and Mindfulness
What's the best way for coaches to use mindfulness (also known as openness)?  Tim Malnick has a long-standing interest in the role of spiritual and contemplative practice within leadership and organisation development.  Here are his thoughts 
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Finding strengths
During the Coaching Connect 2012 event Tania West shared the 'Strengths-finder' tool called 'Realise 2'.  Here is Tania's talk
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Giving an A
What would it be like if we gave everyone an 'A'?  Alison Theaker, a coach and marketing expert, explores this concept.
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
A learning town
How do you create community?  Mike Beard is tackling that very question as the brand new town of 'Cranbrook' takes shape.
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Is our goal perfection
Is the personal development movement making a positive contribution?  Jane Stubberfield (an NLP Trainer and coach) explores whether perfection is actually the goal.
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
The coaching journey
Real magic can happen in coaching when you discover and integrate models and philosophies.  Erica Lewis, an experienced coach, shares her thoughts.
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Effective Feedback
How can you give effective feedback?  Sally Blades, a supervisor and executive coach, shares this brilliant model.
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Coaching Leaders
What are the key tips to remember when coaching leaders?  Carolyn Hooker has come up with 5 top tips.
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Coaching as Art
Coaching is a sacred journey; a pilgrimage, says Mo Cohen.  When coaches see themselves as artists, rather than practioners, that's when the magic begins.
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
The role of the coach

What is the job of a coach?  For one Executive Coach and trainer, the key role of a coach is obvious.  Helen Sieroda says coaches should help clients see another perspective.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Motivational Maps

Are you motivated by the carrot or the stick? What about your clients - how can you identify their motivation? There's a self-perception inventory that focusses on motivation.  Coaching Connect asked Kate Turner (from Motivational Leadership Ltd) to explain more about 'Motivational Maps'.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Coaching Reviewer - Motivational Maps

Coaching Connect likes to ask coaches to act as reviewers. Leadership trainer and coach, Tania West (from Kairos Leadership Development), completed a Motivational Map – here’s what she thought of it.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
From business failure to success

From boom to bust – one entrepreneur explains how the failure of one business became the launch pad of a new coaching venture

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
3 steps to powerful testimonials

Coaches should always be looking to capture great testimonials. Testimonials can help generate new clients. Here’s marketing expert, Lisa Farr, to explain more.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Why is coaching special?

Coaching can help clients take huge leaps forward.  But how do you define coaching ? What makes coaching so great?  How do you explain the differences between coaching and counselling?  Coaching Connect has been to speak to Julie Hewson, a trainer of coaches, to find out.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Extraordinary Coaching Stories

The desire to become a coach can come from many different places.   Liz Scott has been to see Gail Adams and she explains how a life-changing experience helped inspire her to change direction to be a coach.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Games People Play

Games People Play, by Eric Berne, has stood the test of time (it’s over 50 years old).  What has made it so enduring? Coach, Steve Hoare reviews this Transactional Analysis classic

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Coaching pricing

How do you set the right price for your coaching services?  Many coaches spend hours agonising over what to charge.  Coaching Connect's Liz Scott went to visit a marketing expert who thinks she might have the answer. 

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Finding Clients

If you want more clients then don’t waste your money on advertising. In the second in her series on marketing Lisa Farr (marketing expert) explains there are more cost effective ways of finding clients. Coaching Connect’s Liz Scott went to meet her.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Finding your niche
A niche can make or break your coaching business.  But how do you discover your niche?  Coaching Connect has met up with marketing expert Lisa Farr to discover some in-house secrets.  This is part 1 of a three part series on marketing for coaches
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Creativity and coaching

How creative are you as a coach? This was something that Sali Mustafic was keen to explore at a recent Coaching Connect day.  Here’s her report on creativity.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
4 Steps of Marketing for Coaches

How can coaches market themselves effectively?  At a recent Coaching Connect event Mike Brodie led a discussion group around the subject.  His group came up with four key secrets to successful marketing.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Action Learning

Action Learning is taking significant steps in larger organisations.  But how can Action Learning help SME’s?  At a recent Coaching Connect Event one of the break-out groups spent time discussing Action Learning for SME’s, here’s a snapshot of what they said.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Blogging for coaches - part 2

In blogging for coaches part 1 – Grace Chatting covered how to start a blog. Grace was part of a group of coaches discussing blogging as part of an Open Space Technology discussion group. She now moves on to the art of blog writing.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Blogging for coaches 1

'Blogging for coaches' – this was one of several topics discussed at the latest Coaching Connect event utilising the Open Space Technology facilitation technique.  Grace Chatting, one of the participants takes up the story

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Non Directive Coaching

Should coaches be non directive? If they want to get to the heart of the problem, then yes they should says Liz Scott from Coaching Connect.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
The Business you were Born to Create

"The Business you were Born to Create" is the latest book from best-selling author Nick Williams.  Here's a review from Coaching Connect's Liz Scott

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Narrative Coaching and NLP

What are the similarities and differences between Narrative Coaching and NLP? Sali Mustafic shares her thoughts showing how the language between these two models is interchangeable.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Coaching to Inspire (In Education)

Over the last ten years, student’s anti-social behaviour in schools has been increasing and has played a large part in some teachers leaving the profession.  Mark Escott from elan-tlc believes coaching can be a real support

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Connecting with the 'now'

Johnny Tenn is a coach who believes in the potential of the 'now'. He has developed a model that enables clients to choose powerful ways of thinking and behaving.  Liz Scott met him during a weekend course.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Narrative Coaching Conference

Devon's first Narrative Coaching Conference has left many coaches with more questions than answers - but that's exactly what it intended to do. Coaching Connect's Liz Scott went to find out more.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Narrative Coaching

Narrative coaching and the narrative approach delves into the world of stories.  Sali Mustafic explains more

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Coaching For Performance - John Whitmore

“Coaching for Performance” is one of the seminal coaching books of our time.  Dave Doran reviews this classic by Sir John Whitmore.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Sports v Life Coaching

Is there really a huge difference between sports’ coaching and executive coaching?  Liz Scott went to meet Johnny Tenn, a coach working extensively in both fields. 

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches

Coaches need to use trained supervisors.  According to Michael Carroll, one of the leading supervisors and trainers in the country, supervision is vital to help coaches see things more clearly.  Liz Scott went to meet him in Weston-Super-Mare.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Starting up as a coach

Want to become a life coach?  If you’re serious about being a successful coach then check out this solid no-nonsense advice from business guru and best-selling author, Geoff Burch.  Liz Scott went to meet up with him in Cheltenham.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Coaching in the police

Coaching in the police is becoming more and more common place.  Liz Scott went to meet Cdr Jim Webster from the Metropolitan Police.  He explained how it is being integrated into the policing culture.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
SUMO man

Life doesn’t reward good intention, it rewards action – do you agree?  Best-selling author of ‘SUMO; Shut up, Move On’ Paul McGee is adamant (from personal experience) that this is true.  Liz Scott from Coaching Connect went to visit Paul to learn more about his philosophy

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Myles Downey: The future of coaching

Is a shift occurring in the world of coaching?   Instead of leaders hiring an executive coach – are they becoming coaches themselves?  Liz Scott went to visit Myles Downey in London to see what he thinks.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Nancy Kline and the future of coaching

Are we heading towards a society where coaches are no longer needed? In the future will we all be such good listeners that coaches are obsolete?  Liz Scott went to meet up with best-selling author Nancy Kline who had some interesting thoughts.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Sir John Whitmore; Coaching with a scalpel

Coaches are too soft with their questioning according to one of the UK’s coaching legends, Sir John Whitmore.  Liz Scott from Coaching Connect, went to meet up with him in London.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Why are you a coach?

Why are you a coach?  Best-selling author and Executive coach Myles Downey believes all coaches MUST ask themseves this question.  Liz Scott went to meet Myles in London

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Coaching and meaning

Should coaches be responsible for helping clients find meaning and purpose in their lives? Liz Scott went to meet Sir John Whitmore who explained this vital role for coaches.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Service your coaching business

Starting up as a coaching business can be tough.  It can be hard to generate clients and earn money.  Sometimes, like a car, you need to service your business and see what is and what isn't working. Wendy Kier, also known as the Business Mechanic, shares some of her learning.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Promoting coaching courses

It can be hard promoting coaching courses. The ‘hares’ might use the internet, email and twitter to promote an event, whilst the 'tortoises' amongst us like to meet people in the flesh. Liz Scott explains how good old fashioned face-to-face networking can really work.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Collaboration and coaches

Coaching and collaboration are two words being used more and more together.  Are you collaborating as a coach and are you finding success?  We met up with one Coaching Connect participant to find out more.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Successful networking

Networking can be very frustrating if you end up unable to escape from the person you’re talking to.  At Coaching Connect events the ‘structured networking’ segments are always popular.  Liz Scott explains more

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
The renaissance soul - Nick Williams

Coaches are often energetic, fun and passionate about their work. Is that because they are renaissance souls?  Liz Scott went to meet best-selling author, Nick Williams in London. He’s the man who coined the term ‘renaissance soul’.

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Meredith Belbin - do managers manage?

Are today’s managers really managing?  Dr Meredith Belbin believes there are significant areas of their role which they’re failing to fulfil.  Coaching Connect’s Liz Scott, went to meet him in Cambridge.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Should coaches specialise?

In coaching do thinks it’s best to specialise in one coaching model, or alternatively, to be a bit of a magpie of ideas?  Julie Hewson, who runs a coaching diploma course, says it’s important to specialise if you want to take your coaching to the next level.  Liz Scott went to meet up with her in Exeter.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Gerard O'Donovan - the future of coaching

Has the coaching bubble burst?  Is the coaching profession, which has been booming in recent years, about to hit the buffers? Liz Scott went to meet up with the CEO of a coaching training company, Gerard O’Donovan, to find out more.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Michael Carroll and supervision
Coaching supervision – how important is it for you as a coach?  Some coaches see it as a luxury others see supervision as a necessity.  Liz Scott went to Weston-Super-Mare to meet author and supervisor trainer, Michael Carroll to find out more
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Paul McGee - the recession and coaching

Are coaches needed more than ever during the recession?  Is coaching vital to support people during these challenging times?  Best-selling author, Paul McGee thinks so.  Liz Scott went to visit him in Warrington.

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Meredith Belbin - Women in workplace

Women are better at communicating and should be in more senior positions – do you agree?  When we met up with Dr Meredith Belbin in Cambridge, he said women have the edge when it comes to communication.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Walking coaching

Have you ever thought of taking your client on a walking coaching session?  Liz Scott discovered that executive coach, Andrew Scott in Cumbria, finds this a great way to allow clients to get a fresh perspective.

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Nick Williams, coaches & collaboration

Collaboration – is this the new way of working for the 21st century?  Best-selling author, Nick Williams, believes that collaboration will be crucial for coaches over the coming years.  Liz Scott went to meet Nick in London.

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Myles Downey - incompetent coaches

Are there lots of inept coaches practising? What makes a good coach and what makes an incompetent coach? Liz Scott went to meet Myles Downey, best selling author, to find out his views.

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Gerard O'Donovan says coaches 'sell bliss'

What are you actually ‘selling’ when you’re a coach? If you’re a green-grocer it’s obvious what you sell - but what about coaches? According to Noble Manhattan’s Gerard O’Donovan, coaches should focus on selling ‘joy’ and ‘bliss’. What does he mean? Liz Scott caught up with him in Weymouth.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Sir John Whitmore - the recession and coaching

The recession is a GOOD time for coaching, according to Sir John Whitmore.  Sir John is well known for his international best-seller, "Coaching for Performance".  He believes coaches need to 'get out there' to provide support during these uncertain times.  Liz Scott from Coaching Connect went to meet him in London.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Nancy Kline - listening

Do coaches really listen? According to best-selling author, Nancy Kline, the answer is (usually) a big fat NO.  She believes many coaches are really waiting to land that ‘killer question’. Coaching Connect’s Liz Scott went to interview her.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
The Big Bike Ride

In July 2010 me (Liz) and my husband (Stu) cycled 1400 miles around the UK meeting up with coaches, authors, trainers and coaching experts.  This was a physical and mental journey, with highs and lows - but we made it! 


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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Geoff Burch - being persuasive

It doesn’t matter how great you are as a coach - if you can’t get clients you’ll never succeed. According to best selling business author Geoff Burch - the secret to building up clients is all about persuasion. We met up with him in Cheltenham to find out more.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Social media and coaches

Should all coaches engage in social networking? Is it becoming an essential way to develop yourself? One Edinburgh coach believes that coaches who are active on Twitter, Linked in and Facebook often have the edge.

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Sir John Whitmore and Nick Williams

Day 6 and we were in London, on foot and meeting some of the key UK coaching figures. Stu and I had a wonderful time sitting on the Embankment, drinking coffee and talking about coaching with Sir John Whitmore and Nick Williams. It was fascinating.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Gerard O'Donovan - coaching styles

What’s the ‘right’ way to coach? Are there too many styles of coaching out there? Gerard O’Donovan is the CEO of a successful international coaching training company. I thought I’d find out what he thinks when I visited Weymouth on our Big Bike Ride.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Qualities of a coach.

What do you think makes a good coach? Can anyone coach? These were questions I decided to ask our first guest on our Big Bike Ride, Julie Hewson. Julie runs a coaching training diploma course, she is also an author and experienced coach - so what does she thinks makes a good coach?

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Has coaching lost its way?

Where are the new breakthroughs in coaching? Has coaching reached a dead end?  Some in the coaching world fear that it’s losing its way.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Mission statements

If you want a powerful and memorable mission statement, then keep it simple.  Google has summed up its mission: "To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."  If you want your customers to know what you're about then why not take some time to create a mission statement?

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Wake up to Twitter
An accusation is being leveled at coaches. We’ve been described as using Twitter to broadcast rather than to engage with others. We’re not being generous with our knowledge. Is it true? Are we missing out on potential business opportunities because we’re so focused on talking to each other?
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