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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Nancy Kline - listening

Do coaches really listen? According to best-selling author, Nancy Kline, the answer is (usually) a big fat NO.  She believes many coaches are really waiting to land that ‘killer question’. Coaching Connect’s Liz Scott went to interview her.

Finding Solutions

Listening is the opposite of finding solutions. When a friend comes to me with a problem, I usually want to give my opinion. Or I’ll try to 'fix' or suggest a 'solution' for them to try out.   The likely truth is that they’re asking me to listen rather than solve their problem.

Many coaches have told me they often have to consciously suppress the urge to 'help' someone. When they hear a 'problem' from a client they often long to deliver that wise insight or 'killer question'.

Nancy Kline and listening

Nancy Kline is the best-selling author of ‘Time to Think’.   She has spent her life cultivating a process that focuses on the power of listening.  

Nancy has developed a highly successful and simple process (utilised in organisations around the world) that teaches people to listen.  She strongly believes that we all have the ability to solve our own problems.  However she says that unless people are truly listened to then they are unable to think for themselves.

Coaches and listening

After interviewing Nancy I really began to consider my own listening.  Am I really truly listening when I’m coaching? Before speaking to her I would have categorically said 'yes'.  However now I think I need to review my listening skills.   

How important do you think listening is in the coaching relationship?

more info

Nancy Kline - Time to Think website

Professor Clutterbuck - 30 coaching questions

Two excellent events from Coaching Connect coming soon: "Taking your coaching to the next level". If you want to discover ways of finding new clients, listen to world class speakers and connect and collaborate with fellow coaches, this is the event for you.

  • Coaching Connect London:Book here.
  • Coaching Connect Devon: Book here


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