Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches


The Bike Ride
The schedule
The Journey

Sir John Whitmore
With Nick Williams
The Recession
Purpose and meaning
Coaching with a scalpel

Myles Downey
Future of coaching
Why are you a coach?
Incompetent coaches

Meredith Belbin
Do managers manage?

Gerard O'Donovan
The future of coaching
Coaching styles

Nancy Kline
The future of coaching

Nick Williams
The renaissance soul

Michael Carroll
The importance of supervision

Geoff Burch
The Business guru

 Paul McGee
SUMO principles

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
The Bike Ride
We’re going on a bike ride. But not just any old bike ride.We’re going to travel hundreds of miles across the UK meeting up with coaches. Telling people our plans for this zany journey creates a variety of responses ranging from. “Why on earth are you doing that?” to “Wow, can we join you for a day’s cycling.”
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Run your own coaching CPD day - presenters & schedule

This week we’re showing you how to create a coaching networking day from scratch.  Today we reveal our ‘tried and tested’ programme that’s guaranteed to resonate with a coaching audience. Liz Scott shares this winning schedule so you can create your own Coaching Connect-style day.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
How to run your own coaching CPD day

How can you set up a coaching networking event from scratch?  It’s easy according to Stuart Newberry the event organiser at Coaching Connect (these events attract between 40-60 people).  This week Liz Scott and Stuart are sharing secrets, tips and advice on how you can start up your own coaching networking day.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Sreepur Village and the Big Bike Ride

What has a chance meeting on Cornish golf course got to do with a 1400 mile cycling journey around the UK and a trip to Bangladesh? Coaching Connect’s Stuart Newberry tells the story.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Final Day

We’re home – we made it.  It was just 35 miles from Bridestowe to Ivybridge – however a mile of that was pushing a fully laden bike up a stony, sheer hillside – so I think we did pretty well!

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 28

You can travel all over the country, but there’s nothing like returning to Devon. Horse drawn barges, proper cream teas the silhouette of Dartmoor and the lush green rural scenery. My heart was singing to be back in my home county after the 62 miles between Taunton and Bridestowe.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 27

We ended the day in luxury - a fabulous B&B in Taunton after a 36 mile ride from Weston-Super-Mare. Stu quickly dived into the bath tub, which was in a bathroom the size of a planet. It was a great end to a great day.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 26

There are three words to describe the 70 mile trip between Cheltenham and Weston-Super-Mare, puncture, puncture, puncture. Yes I managed to get 3 punctures in one day and it made the day a real slog. We rolled up to Weston thoroughly exhausted and starving.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 23

We cycled 43 miles to Cheltenham. My legs felt strong and I felt on top of the world. The sun was shining and I couldn’t stop grinning. What a difference from yesterday when I was so exhausted.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 21

We’d cycled 60 miles, it hadn’t rained and just as thought, "We might not get wet today," there was a crash of thunder, the heavens opened and we rushed to shelter from the downpour.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike ride - Day 20

We pedalled like fury away from Galgate - we couldn’t get away quick enough. Despite another very wet day, we made the 50 miles in super quick time - it was like we had the dog from Hades on our heels

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 19

There are times it’s so bad you’ve just got to laugh. That sums up our cycling today. 53 miles between Penrith and Galgate. Rain, mud, dingy B&B and rubbish pub meal.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 18

When the going gets tough - that’s when you’ve got to keep on going. We got drenched as we cycled the 60 miles between Moffat and Penrith. But there was no turning back.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 17

What’s it like to cycle 55 miles up hill and into a headwind? That’s what we did today as we left Edinburgh and pedalled towards Moffat. There’s no doubt this was one of the toughest days so far.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 15

After heavy rain showers, a puncture and a drop in temperature we made the 64 miles to Edinburgh. This was a day of real highs and lows.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 14

This is as close as we got to Durham Cathedral. I love Durham. However the thought of travelling up a hill (on tired legs) to look closer at the cathedral was too exhausting to contemplate Instead we took a photo of the cathedral from the river and then headed off to Wooler in Northumbria, a total of 72 miles of cycling.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 13

As our fitness levels increase (it was 85 miles between York and Durham) so our standards of dress decrease (as you can see from the picture.) Today in Darlington I nearly keeled over with fright when I saw a very (unkind) reflection of myself in a full length mirror. I looked like I’d been living in a barn for a week.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 12

It was raining. We were cycling into a headwind and it was going to be a tough 58 miles between Gainsborough and York. To keep cheerful we tried to think of three things each that were good about life at that moment. We got as far as ‘being together’ and then ran out of ideas. Today was going to be tough.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 11

There’s something so welcoming about the spires in the Lincolnshire Fens. When you’re cycling they seem to wave you on from one village to the next. As we pedalled our 68 miles between Spalding and Gainsborough, I thought how important it is to welcome and acknowledge people.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
The Big Bike Ride - Day 10

'Happiness is a piece of cake' We came across this quote in a coffee shop in Cambridgeshire. ‘How apt’ - I thought as I tucked into a rather lovely lime sponge. Sometimes we make such a big deal about attaining happiness - when actually it's very simple. When we’re on the bike, it’s the simple pleasures that feature high - here are the top 3 from today.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
The Big Bike Ride - Day 9

Today we knew what it was like to be dry roasted peanuts as the sun throbbed down on our 56 miles between Luton and Girton. Had there been lots of hills I think we might have collapsed in a sweaty heap! We were so grateful for the pancake-flat roads of Cambridge as we admired acres of golden cornfields.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
The Big Bike Ride - Day 8

Is it a good thing to have a hill as soon as you start cycling? I can confirm through personal experience that the answer is a big fat NO. A two mile hill straight out of Pangbourne nearly finished me off before I‘d even started! It was this hill that started me thinking along the 50 mile ride. I began to consider something that I’ve called the 'resilience well'.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 7

What a difference a deadline makes. In the last hour we were pedalling like fury to reach Streatley. We were booked to see Nancy Kline at 5.20pm and we’d cycled 64 miles from London. We were tired and very sweaty and the wind was against us - the appointment meant we couldn‘t let up.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 5

We’ve made it to London - 62 miles from Chichester and what a day. We’ve cycled past miles and miles of millionaire homes in West Sussex and Surrey. It seemed like a never ending stream of luxurious pads that were trying to out do each other!

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 4

When I looked in the mirror I looked like this (see photo left). Today we were heading from Southampton to Chichester which is 37 miles and I was feeling very tired - why? Read on

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 3
Today there were four things that really impressed me as we cycled the 72 miles between Weymouth and Southampton. One of these was the navigational skills of my husband. He has now progressed from the broken compass (day 2) and appears to be using his psychic ability to find the way. Here are the four things that really stood out for me today.
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 2

The hills of Dorset - yikes they’re monsters. The photo is of us bright-eye and busy tailed in Exeter before we cycled to Weymouth (65 miles). At the end of the journey we were shattered! Today we mulled over how a broken compass might be a metaphor for life.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride - Day 1

Never underestimate the power of a smile. We were quite literally revived by the friendly enthusiasm of a stranger on Day 1 of our Big Bike Ride.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
The big bike ride map

Liz and Stu will be setting off on their Big Bike ride on Thursday (1500 miles around the UK).   Other previous cycling challenges have included Lands End to John O'Groats.  Stu explains the route they'll be taking on their next journey.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Biz tips for coaches

Many coaches are terrible business people. Mark Walsh runs a business training and executive coaching organisation. It started to take off after three years of errors and hard work.  Here are some of the main things he learnt so you don’t have to make the same mistakes!

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Big Bike Ride training

With just 10 days left until we embark on our 1500 mile bike ride the nerves are starting to set in.  We're cycling across the UK (Devon to Edinburgh and back) and meeting with coaches, authors and trainers along the way.  Take a look at some of the fabulous people we’re planning to meet along the way.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
10 fulfilling steps
We all long for a fulfilled life.  But how can we achieve it? It’s easy if you pay attention to these ten rules.  Follow these steps and enjoy the experience of an enriched life – it won’t cost a penny.
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Video email
At networking events one of the toughest things for coaches is to stand out from the crowd. Often these events are over-run with coaches - they‘re two a penny. So how can you be the coach that people remember? One internet businessman believes a video-email could be the answer.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Web video for coaches
Are coaching websites too similar in their assertions and claims? Do you find it hard to let your personality shine through on your site? One successful internet businessman believes video could be the answer.

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Destination or journey-minded in business?

With your coaching business are you journey-minded or destination-minded? Both work well depending on your preferred outcome. However are you clear which describes you?

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Meeting coaching heroes

Mixing with successful people is a great way to develop your business. There's nothing like modelling how others do things well. During our bike ride in July (1500 miles around the UK) we're excited to be seeing some of the most successful coaches in the UK and pick their brains. So who are we meeting up with?

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Gremlins and the bike ride

Are Gremlins running your life? How often do we have a good idea and then promptly talk ourselves out of it? The Gremlin (or negative voice) is often loud and quite persuasive. As I found out recently.

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