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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
SUMO man

Life doesn’t reward good intention, it rewards action – do you agree?  Best-selling author of ‘SUMO; Shut up, Move On’ Paul McGee is adamant (from personal experience) that this is true.  Liz Scott from Coaching Connect went to visit Paul to learn more about his philosophy

What inspired Paul McGee’s best-seller ‘SUMO’?

As a young man, Paul McGee had just taken up a high-powered job when his world came crashing in around him; he was struck down with ME.  Finding himself unable to work and barely able to get through each day he started to spiral into despair.  His life turned around when a friend suggested he listen to some ‘self-help’ tapes.  He began to explore the power of positive thought in his life and that was when SUMO was born.


Paul McGee developed some simple but powerful principles that he began to share with others.  These ideas became so popular that he started to form a framework for a book which he called SUMO (Shut UP, Move On).  The book went on to become a best-seller.

What does SUMO stand for?

SUMO stands for Shut Up, Move On.  On the face of it, it might sound harsh, however Paul believes there is real wisdom behind this title.  In essence he believes that people should take off their ‘victim tee-shirt’ and take action.  He has taken this message to thousands of people, not just through his book; Paul McGee is also a successful public speaker.

Using SUMO as a coach

Many of his ideas are easily transferable to coaching.  Here’s a synopsis of the principles of SUMO (Shut Up, Move On)

  • Change your victim tee-shirt; take responsibility for where you are in life
  • Develop fruity thinking; remember the importance of your mindset
  • Hippo time is ok; it’s ok to spend some time ‘wallowing’ when you’re feeling low
  • Remember the beach ball;  people see the same situation differently 
  • Learn Latin; seize the day
  • Ditch Doris Day; forget ‘whatever will be’ and take action.
more info

Further items of interest;

Paul McGee - talks about the recession and coaching

Nick Williams - best-selling author believes collaboration is the way forward

Business plans for coaches - just how do you write one?


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