Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Supervision training
Why is supervision like an oasis? What does it take to be a good supervisor? Julie Hewson, trains supervisors - here are her thoughts[ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Life coaching training courses
Choosing a business, executive and life coaching training course can be bewildering. There are lots of courses and prices vary from hundreds to several thousands of pounds. Here's a run down of some of the UK options [ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Clean Language
Clean Language takes basic coaching principles and gives them a profound and powerful twist. The technique - based on just a handful of questions - may sound simple or even formulaic, but it can open the door to dramatic change for your clients. [ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Restorative Approaches
Restorative Approaches is the new kid on the block in our schools. The days of swift punitive action for breaking school rules are over. A new approach, called restorative approaches, is gaining momentum. It's an approach that challenges the 'old school' way of discipline.[ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Someone once said that "Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)has many strengths, however a clear and helpful name isn't one of them!" Very true, but even with a name like that, NLP has kept growing in recognition and popularity, so much so that Psychology Today Magazine called it "The most powerful vehicle for change in existence". [ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Relationship Coaching
Coaching as an approach to moving individuals on, continues to prove its benefits in all aspects of life, not least Relationship Coaching improving intimate relationships and preventing family breakdowns.[ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
What is Action Learning?
Action Learning is a unique and powerful problem solving tool. It is a dynamic process of learning and reflection, supported by a trained facilitator and a small group, or 'set', of other professionals. [ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Coaching Connect Day
Was it Siobain karate-chopping a piece of wood? Or watching Beyonce show true leadership? It's hard to put a finger on what made the third Coaching Connect day such an incredibly special event. But general consensus was that it was the best ever.[ more... ]

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