Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Unlocking Women’s Talent
If women's talent is unlocked the UK economy could benefit by up to £23 billion. Annie Broadbent looks at these startling statistics [ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Confidence & self esteem in kids
Many children think that the confidence and self esteem are one and the same thing. They are not. Self-esteem is how we feel and perceive ourselves. [ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Acting and confidence
ACTING and CONFIDENCE go hand in hand, but only a ‘chosen few’ actually get to learn the profoundly simple professional techniques that build SELF-Belief. [ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Storming a Confident Performance
Low confidence is the biggest obstruction to self-expression. Take a look at these three simple steps. [ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Confident Posture Exercise
Before the days of anti-depressants, doctors prescribed, 'Looking up at chimney pots' as a cure for depression. [ more... ]

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