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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
7 steps to work life balance
Work life balance might seem elusive in today’s hectic world. If you’ve ever felt pulled in different directions then John Dyter’s seven steps might be the answer.[ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Research has shown that we are unhappier now than we were 50 years ago, why is that? Surely the quality of life has improved over that time? Perhaps we are focusing on the wrong things when looking for what makes us happy. So here are 10 tips for Happiness! [ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Take time to hear the music
Want to know what we're missing in life? This story is true and it will amaze you. It’s a great one to use in Work Life Balance workshops. [ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Work Life Balance - Story
This is an excellent story to share when giving work life balance presentations. I've actually got the jars, sand and golf balls to show the group as I go along.[ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Wheel of Life for Work Life Balance
The Wheel of Life is the classic tool for work life balance. It’s ideal to check whether your life is in balance. Use the Wheel of Life with your clients to provide them with a snap-shot of lives. The results can be incredibly powerful. Download the Wheel of Life here.[ more... ]

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