Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Values elicitation
This values elicitation method is a great tool for coaches. Kate Harris explains how it works [ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Values list
A values table is a great tool to use with a client. Values can really help a client find balance in their life. Here's a useful list of values[ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Values exercises
These three values exercises are simple and powerful. Kate Harris describes how remembering special moments can help clients understand their values.[ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Questions for values
Do you want some useful questions to ask when clarifying values? You’ll love this list by Kate Harris [ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
What are values?
If you want to get to the heart of a coaching client then spend some time on their values. Kate Harris explains[ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Values - an Introduction
Values are the vital forces that guide our lives. Although often hidden from the unconscious, if they are violated you soon know about it. Working with clients around values can provide rich clues to their deeper motivations.[ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Discovering Values
Values are like precious gems of wisdom. Want to know what makes you really tick? Want to find out what truly motivates and inspires you? If the answer is yes then take time to uncover your values. [ more... ]

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