Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Stepping over limiting beliefs
Limiting beliefs – what are they exactly? Ellie Hale takes a look at how we can leap beyond them [ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
ABC for Limiting Beliefs
When my clients become bogged down with limiting beliefs I know it’s time to dig out my ABC approach. Designed by the Grand-daddy of Cognitive therapy himself (Albert Ellis) this model is a winner with clients. It so simple to use. It's as easy as… well as easy as ABC.[ more... ]
Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Limiting Beliefs List
Limiting beliefs are like chains that keep us trapped. They often spill into our language without us even knowing. Letting your client see a list of limiting beliefs is a great way to start to identify them. Take a look at this list and see how many you’re harbouring.[ more... ]

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