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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Nancy Kline and the future of coaching

Are we heading towards a society where coaches are no longer needed? In the future will we all be such good listeners that coaches are obsolete?  Liz Scott went to meet up with best-selling author Nancy Kline who had some interesting thoughts.

Coaching in the 21st century

In our ever increasing pace of life, coaches seem to be more important than ever.  It is coaches who provide the vital time and space for leaders and businessmen/women to reflect and think.  Without a coach, many would be so rushing around ‘doing’ that they wouldn’t have time to reflect on the bigger picture and vision.

A life without coaches

With coaches playing such an important role in 21st century life, it was interesting to meet up with best-selling author Nancy Kline to hear about her views on the future of coaching. She believes that as society grows and develops, coaches will no longer be needed.  This will be a good thing, because this will be a society where people listen to each other and allow others to engage in some quality thinking.

Is this a Utopian view of the world?

Nancy Kline is passionate about the breakthroughs people have when they are given quality thinking time.  Her life’s work has been dedicated to developing a listening and thinking model that enables people to think powerfully.  Does Nancy have a Utopian view of the world?  Or does she have a realistic view of a future society where listening is at its heart.

Obsolete coaches

Do you think we are looking at a future where coaches become obsolete?  Or maybe you believe there will always be a role for coaches.  Do you think Nancy Kline is unrealistic with her view of the world?  I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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