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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
The renaissance soul - Nick Williams

Coaches are often energetic, fun and passionate about their work. Is that because they are renaissance souls?  Liz Scott went to meet best-selling author, Nick Williams in London. He’s the man who coined the term ‘renaissance soul’.

Coaches and the renaissance soul

The renaissance soul might sound quite whimsical and romantic – however it’s a term that’s being used more and more in coaching circles.  Many coaches are renaissance souls (without realising it) and many clients are aching to free themselves from the chains of their work to become a renaissance soul.  Nick Williams, the best-selling author of ‘The Work we were Born to Do’ believes that becoming a renaissance soul is the most satisfying way of working.

What is a renaissance soul?

Another way of describing a renaissance soul is as a ‘portfolio worker’.  In other words, someone who has many strings to his/her bow.  Coaches often enjoy the life of a renaissance soul; they coach, run workshops, are public speakers, write, do team work etc.   Coaches have many different ways of generating an income without specialising in just one area.  Being a renaissance soul can really free you up to enjoy a variety of areas of work.

How to become a renaissance soul

If you’re in a 9-5 job and you long to free yourself from the chains of the monotony of the work, then it’s not as hard as you might think.  Nick Williams recommends you do things gradually – don’t hand in your notice straight away – see it more like a transition.  Here’s what Nick Williams has to say.

Coaching the disillusioned working

If you’re coaching a disillusioned worker, then you might find it helpful to explain the concept of the ‘renaissance soul’. It’s a great way to help someone realise that there are more options than just diving into another full time job.  It’s also a great way to encourage someone to open up their options and to consider their strengths, skills and abilities.

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Two excellent events from Coaching Connect coming soon: "Taking your coaching to the next level". If you want to discover ways of finding new clients, listen to world class speakers and connect and collaborate with fellow coaches, this is the event for you.

  • Coaching Connect London:Book here.
  • Coaching Connect Devon: Book here

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