Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches


The Bike Ride
The schedule
The Journey

Sir John Whitmore
With Nick Williams
The Recession
Purpose and meaning
Coaching with a scalpel

Myles Downey
Future of coaching
Why are you a coach?
Incompetent coaches

Meredith Belbin
Do managers manage?

Gerard O'Donovan
The future of coaching
Coaching styles

Nancy Kline
The future of coaching

Nick Williams
The renaissance soul

Michael Carroll
The importance of supervision

Geoff Burch
The Business guru

 Paul McGee
SUMO principles

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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Sir John Whitmore and Nick Williams

Day 6 and we were in London, on foot and meeting some of the key UK coaching figures. Stu and I had a wonderful time sitting on the Embankment, drinking coffee and talking about coaching with Sir John Whitmore and Nick Williams. It was fascinating.

Talking about coaching

Here at Coaching Connect we love connecting coaches and keeping coaching topics high on the agenda. To that end we’re meeting up with dozens of coaches, authors and trainers as we cycle 1500 miles around the UK.

Today we met up with Myles Downey (he’ll be featured in a future blog) and Nick Williams and Sir John Whitmore.

Who is Nick Williams?

Nick is the best selling author of “The Work you were Born to Do.” He’s also an international speaker and the founder of “Inspired Entrepreneur”. This dynamic man is on a mission to enable us all to discover the job and careers that we’ll find fulfilling.

Who is Sir John Whitmore?

Sir John is the best selling author of “Coaching for Performance.” He’s the Executive Chairman of Performance Consultants and one of the founding fathers of coaching in the UK. John is passionate about coaching and believes it has a real future despite the current economic climate.

Nick and John in conversation

We eavesdropped in as Nick had a chat with John about the future of coaching and where the coaching profession is moving.



Keep your eyes peeled for future blogs where we'll be catch up with Myles Downey and more from Nick Williams and Sir John Whitmore. On Wednesday we're looking forward to meeting Nancy Kline. 

more info

Two excellent events from Coaching Connect coming soon: "Taking your coaching to the next level". If you want to discover ways of finding new clients, listen to world class speakers and connect and collaborate with fellow coaches, this is the event for you. 

  • Coaching Connect London: "Book here
  • Coaching Connect Devon: Book here

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