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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Myles Downey - incompetent coaches

Are there lots of inept coaches practising? What makes a good coach and what makes an incompetent coach? Liz Scott went to meet Myles Downey, best selling author, to find out his views.

Trying to ‘fix’

Many coaches fall into the trap of 'trying to fix' a client. They forget the golden rule of coaching - the coach is NOT there to solve the client’s problems for them.

Myles Downey is the author of the best-selling (excellent book) . He also trains Executive coaches at The School of Coaching. He has a wealth of experience in the field of coaching and has some clear views on what makes good and bad coaching.


Myles Downey believes that there are many incompetent coaches practicing. He says coaches are inept when they start doing the thinking for the client. He says that sometimes coaches seem to be listening but they are in fact waiting to say something or offer a solution. Myles believes this is one of the hallmarks of inept coaching.

Non-directive coaching

Myles Downey says that being non-directive is at the heart of coaching. Coaches need to listen so that the client is working out the issue/solution for themselves. There are a various coaching skills, however listening seems to come up time and time again as vital. In a previous blog I spoke with best selling author Nancy Kline. Nancy (author of Time to Think) - has developed an approach that revolves around listening.

Non-directive v. directive

There have been many debates amongst coaches about the difference between directive and non-directive. Should a coach never offer advice? How non-directive are you? Do you think the job of the coach is to offer some solutions? Some styles of coaching, like Clean Language, are very purist and non-directive. Are they effective?. I’d be interested in your views.

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Two excellent events from Coaching Connect coming soon: "Taking your coaching to the next level". If you want to discover ways of finding new clients, listen to world class speakers and connect and collaborate with fellow coaches, this is the event for you.

  • Coaching Connect London:Book here.
  • Coaching Connect Devon: Book here

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