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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Gerard O'Donovan - coaching styles

What’s the ‘right’ way to coach? Are there too many styles of coaching out there? Gerard O’Donovan is the CEO of a successful international coaching training company. I thought I’d find out what he thinks when I visited Weymouth on our Big Bike Ride.

Which is the ’Right’ way to coach?

We’ve been mulling over the huge number of coaches, coaching styles and coaching models on our big bike ride. Are there too many? Are some better or more ‘right’ than others? Should you become an NLP coach, a TA coach? Should you develop your skills in areas of psychology - or aim for a Masters? It can be quite bewildering to pick the ‘right’ way.

Speaking to Gerard.

When I met up with the CEO of Noble Manhattan, Gerard O’Donvan in Weymouth (his is the longest established coaching company outside of the US) I decided to find out what he thought. It was so refreshing to hear his enthusiastic and considered response.

Getting into a tangle with coaching models

There are dozens of coaching models and a myriad of different types of coaching and coaches. It can be very bewildering to try and unpick which way is the ‘right’ way. It was good to realise (from Gerard’s comments) that there are numerous models that were valid - there are different styles for different coaches.

Further thoughts while cycling

I mulled on this further as we cycled onwards a waft of perfume from a fellow cyclist on the cycle path caught my attention. This beautifully made-up lady looked like a swan, cycling along elegantly in a flowing dress.

How different she was to us; we were so hot, sweaty and laden with panniers. I then noticed a little lad wobbling along the pavement on his bike.

It was when a ‘serious’ racing-snake cyclist whistled past me (his legs a mass of rock hard muscles) that it suddenly dawned on me how cycling is similar to coaching. There is no ‘right’ way to cycle and there is no ‘right’ way to coach. It seems to me there are plenty of opportunities for all of us.

What do you think?

more info

Two excellent events from Coaching Connect coming soon: "Taking your coaching to the next level". If you want to discover ways of finding new clients, listen to world class speakers and connect and collaborate with fellow coaches, this is the event for you. 

  • Coaching Connect London: "Book here
  • Coaching Connect Devon: Book here

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