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Coaching Connect the online community for life coaches
Geoff Burch - being persuasive

It doesn’t matter how great you are as a coach - if you can’t get clients you’ll never succeed. According to best selling business author Geoff Burch - the secret to building up clients is all about persuasion. We met up with him in Cheltenham to find out more.

Being to nice

Are coaches too nice? Are we too polite and reserved when it comes to drumming up business? Selling can conjure up a rather unsavoury greasy image. Many of us coaches avoid ‘selling’ at all costs, it just doesn’t suit our vision of who we are. We don’t want to be seen as a double-glazing salesman. However, if you change the word ‘selling’ for ‘persuasion’ then you’re much more likely to succeed.

Learning tips

Geoff Burch is described as a ‘business guru’ and has been called the master of persuasion. He travels all over the world and is an author, TV presenter and keynote speaker (renowned for his wicked sense of humour). He’s in no doubt that one of the biggest failures of small businesses is around persuasion. It doesn’t matter how good you are as a coach, if you’re unable to find clients then your business is doomed.

Selling/promotion and is vital

Persuading people to buy your product, (whether its coaching or, as Geoff says, chocolate coated hedgehogs) is the key to good business. There is a misconception that if you’re providing a good product then people will automatically seek you out. Geoff Burch, in his book Irresistible Persuasion - explains that a good quality product is only a small part of the equation.

The next step

Many of us would shy away from promoting ourselves at every opportunity. Maybe touting for business at a family wedding is a step too far for some of us. However, there are plenty of opportunities that we fail to utilise on a daily basis. I’d be really interested to hear from people who have managed to promote themselves and be ‘persuasive’ successfully. What do you think are the boundaries that need to be considered when you’re selling?

You can find out more about Geoff at his website where you can also pick up a copy of his latest book Irresistible Persuasion


more info

Two excellent events from Coaching Connect coming soon: "Taking your coaching to the next level". If you want to discover ways of finding new clients, listen to world class speakers and connect and collaborate with fellow coaches, this is the event for you.

  • Coaching Connect London:Book here.
  • Coaching Connect Devon: Book here

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